OMRG outside the lab

1. In May 1994 we went camping to Smokey Mountains National Park. Besides the group members (Mahesh and Darek) members of VU Microgravity group joined us for a three day weekend.
2. Our 1996 trip was to Falls Creek

3. Rafting Trip, May '97

4. Hiwassee camping trip, May 1998. Once again, we braved the rapids of Ocoee river.

5. Christmas party 1998. Traditionally, we met the week before Christmas to celebrate the good year and share Christmas spirit.

6. We began group trips for the New Millenium by returning to Falls Creek. Incidentally, we camped in the same spots (B106-B108) as we did four years earlier.

7. The 18th International Liquid Crystal Conference took place in a beautiful city of Sendai, Japan. The Polish group was well represented.

8. IMEBORON XI took place in a great city of Moscow, Russia. The visit to The Red Square and Kremiln were the highlights of social activities during the meeting.


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