Research at the Chemistry/Biology Interface Research at the Chemistry/Biology Interface is a multidisciplinary
program with several participating units in the College
of Arts and Science and the Medical
School. The trans-institutional Program brings graduate student
trainees and faculty mentors from across the University together to
seek and share resources and to provide a forum for ideas that span
the traditional boundaries between the Chemical and Biomedical Sciences.
Students also benefit from the availability and proximity of other research
facilities on campus. Trainees select graduate courses from the departments
of Chemistry,
Sciences, Biochemistry, Microbiology
and Immunology, Pharmacology,
and Molecular Physiology
and Biophysics and may select electives from any Department of the
University. The program stresses laboratory rotations to introduce students
to varied research areas, interdisciplinary seminars, and research in
the laboratory of a participating mentor. Two courses and a seminar
are designed specifically for trainees. Trainees are required to fulfill
the degree requirements of their chosen Departments. Upon completion
of the program, a trainee receives certification in Biological Chemistry
along with a degree from the Trainee's home Department. Faculty members from all participating departments are mentors in the
program. Students work with a mentor on each of their three lab rotations. Typical Curricula Students
will select a course curriculum from either the College of Arts and
Science or the Medical School. Stipends A limited number of trainees will receive a full stipend for
the first two years of support. Thereafter students will join research
groups and will be paid through research assistantships. Interested students should apply to participating
Departments in the College
of Arts and Science (Chemistry
or Biological
Sciences) or to the Integrated
Graduate Program in the Medical