Performing dilutions

Once the stock solution is prepared, we can remove a certain volume of that solution and add an additional volume of solvent to it to obtain a diluted solution. The question now becomes, how much stock solution do we start with and how much additional solvent should we add? We can use equation (1) to answer these questions. For example, what would be the concentration of a solution that was made using 1.00 mL of our stock solution and diluting its volume to exactly 100.00 mL? In this case, M1 (0.500 M) is the molarity of the stock solution, V1 (1.00 mL) is the volume of the stock solution, V2 (100.00 mL) is the final volume of the dilute solution, and M2 is the molarity of this solution.

M1V1 = M2V2

(0.500 M) (1.00 X 10-3 L) = (M2) (0.10000 L)

M2 = 5.00 X 10-3 M

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