Innovation and Research
Vanderbilt has been at the forefront of change throughout its history – in research, in teaching and in service

For 150 years, people have come to Vanderbilt to push the boundaries of what’s possible through pathbreaking discovery and innovation to evelop solutions to the world’s most pressing problems.
Innovation and Research by the numbers
- 983 US patents issued
- $1B+ Annual research expenditures
- 89 Trans-institutional research centers and institutes

Breath of Life
Dr. Mildred Stahlman revolutionized the care of high-risk newborns by creating the world’s first modern neonatal intensive care unit

Ecologist and Educator
Elsie Quarterman was a passionate biologist and Vanderbilt’s first woman department chair

From Research to Reality
Vanderbilt’s Center for Technology Transfer and Commercialization streamlines innovation’s path from campus to the marketplace

Voice for Democracy
Vanderbilt’s LAPOP Lab is the premier academic lab carrying out surveys of public opinion in the Americas

Legacy of Research
The Vanderbilt Diabetes Research and Training Center’s Diabetes Day celebrates 50 years of achievement, spotlights current investigations