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Who We Are

logo  Welcome to the Vanderbilt Woman's Club

Magnolia News contains all of the last information about events and interest groups. Click here for the December issue!

We are women drawn from all areas of Vanderbilt University and the Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

We are faculty spouses, faculty members, alumnae, staff, and friends of the University.

We make space for growth, whether intellectual, cultural, social, or service-driven.

We support and assist the mission of the University, especially through our fundraising efforts on behalf of the Stapleton-Weaver Scholarship Fund.


Instagram Logo   Keep up to date with Club happenings by following us! We're on Instagram:

Facebook Logo   And if you're a member of the Vanderbilt Woman's Club, you are invited to join our Facebook group for current Club information and photos: 

 To view VWC photos, please visit our Picture Gallery page.

The VWC Welcomes all Newcomers!