SyBBURE, the Searle Undergraduate Research Program
A generous gift from Gideon Searle, a Vanderbilt alumnus, gives undergraduate students a distinctive opportunity to explore science at one of its most promising and exciting frontiers - the intersection of systems biology and bioengineering!
The aim of the Searle gift was to provide undergraduate students with mentored experiences in advanced scientific investigation with some of the University's leading research and teaching faculty. SyBBURE (Systems Biology and Bioengineering Undergraduate Research Experience) is directed by VIIBRE's Deputy Director of Education, Professional Development and Innovation, Assistant Professor of the Practice of Biomedical Engineering Christina (Chrissy) Marasco under the leadership of John Wikswo, director of the Vanderbilt Institute for Integrative Biosystems Research and Education (VIIBRE).
“SyBBURE gave me a broad, deep exposure to several research areas. That’s uncommon for undergraduate research.”
-- Arunan Skandarajah, BE, MS 2009
“Members of SyBBURE come from different science and engineering fields, so everyone brings unique insights to discussions. I was exposed to ideas that I otherwise would not have been if I had worked just in a
physics group.”
-- Patrick Diggins, BA 2010
“It is rare to have such an opportunity during the undergraduate years, and I liked working as a team that capitalized on each person's training, skills, and insight."
-- Laurel Black, BA 2010