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Student Organization Policies

Student Handbook Policies for Student Organizations

The Student Handbook provides all student leaders and advisers with information that is essential to organizational success at Vanderbilt.  All are encouraged to review this document regularly to become familiar with its contents.  Student should also review this handbook for information on resources and other items relating to their collegiate experience in general.  Please note that the following links cover some sections of the hand book. It is recommended that this resource is reviewed in its entirety for greater understanding of Vanderbilt’s organizational expectations.

Student Organization Administration

Student Organization Procedures

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Alcohol Policies

For official alcohol policies for student organizations and events, please refer to the section of the student handbook titled “Alcohol and Controlled Substances” . For any questions about the University’s alcohol policies or to schedule Host Responsibility Training, contact the Center for Student Wellbeing. 

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Use of Vanderbilt Name or Trademarks on T-shirts and Other Promotional Items

Please read through the Use of University Trademarks for more information about usage of Vanderbilt’s trademarks by student organizations.

Brand Engagement and Governance: Student organizations wishing to use Vanderbilt University’s marks on t-shirts or other giveaways must follow the University’s Trademark Licensing Policy.

Please note:  T-shirts and other promotional items cannot be ordered with a Vanderbilt “P-card or One Card”.  The steps below must be followed!

  • Fill-out the on-line Merchandise Request Form (this will require that you have your design ready);
  • Decide which licensed supplier (using an approved vendor is required) you are going to use. Click here to review the current list of approved vendors;
  • Finalize shirt type, sizes and design with supplier;
  • Have the supplier provide a quote with the Merchandise Order Request Number (MOR#) on it via email;
  • Send the quote to your adviser first;
  • Allow the adviser to identify available resources for assistance with Oracle ordering (to create a purchase requisition in the Vanderbilt Oracle system). The MOR# given by the Trademark Office must be entered on the Oracle requisition in a comment box;
  • Student organizations submit a purchase request via Anchor Link, a coordinator in finance will submit the requisition in oracle;
  • The vendor can then process the order and send an invoice for payment to Vanderbilt’s Disbursement Department. That invoice should be sent to;
  • If additional resources are needed for assistance with ordering through Oracle, contact your departmental administrative staff to request assistance.
  • After all of the above instructions are followed, if assistance is still needed, administrative staff in Student Affairs can assist;

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Donation Drives

Please review the Housing and Residential Education’s donation drive policy before planning a drive in the Residence Halls.

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Follow this link for the most updated travel information

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