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Existing Organizations

Organization Registration Renewal for Existing Student Organizations

Eligibility | Policy Compliance | Renew Your Registration | Constitution | Items Needed to Register

Student leaders must renew their organization’s registration each year by completing the registration process within Anchor Link. Renewal instructions can be found below. The registration process serves to provide current information to Student Affairs and the University population at large. Organizations are encouraged to examine their missions and memberships and to set goals for the academic year. Failure to renew your registration annually by the deadline will result in your organization having its accounts frozen. This status will prevent organizations from having access to funds, reserving room spaces, or using Vanderbilt University resources. The deadline to complete the registration for the 2024-2025 academic year has been extended to September 19, 2024 at 11:59 pm.

Click here to view the privileges of being a Registered Student Organization (RSO).

RSO Registration Informational

SOLS will be having an RSO Registration Q&A as part of START trainings at the beginning of each semester to share details of the process that both student organization officers and their Advisers will need to be aware of for this year.  More information will follow shortly.


To be eligible for registration renewal, an organization must:

  • Be organized and run by four student officers who are full-time registered students as defined by their schools. Officers must maintain a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA and may not be on academic or disciplinary probation;
  • Have at least one full-time, permanent, Vanderbilt faculty or staff member as its coach;
  • Maintain all funds on deposit in an account of good standing through the Student Affairs Finance Office and follow appropriate accounting procedures (special conditions apply to fraternities, sororities, and Vanderbilt Student Communications divisions);
  • Be funded by its members or the University (ex. Student Organization Funds, departmental funding, member dues, etc);
  • Limit its voting membership to Vanderbilt students;
  • Have purposes that do not overlap significantly with those of any other registered organization. This includes purposes that are nuanced to existing organizations.  Back to Top

Policy Compliance

All Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) at Vanderbilt must comply with University policies and regulations, including our non-discrimination policy.  Your organization, including all members, officers and advisors, must abide by all Vanderbilt regulations, policies, and procedures, as outlined in the Student Handbook.

During the registration process, your organization will upload a signed affirmation statement affirming the compliance of your organization with the University’s Non-Discrimination Policy. You need not and should not include your own non-discrimination statement in your constitution.  Back to Top

Unrecognized Organizations

All Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) hold affiliation to the University which grants privileges and the ability to operate described in the Student Engagement Section of the Student Handbook.  For students considering membership in student organizations, it is important that they only consider these groups.  Please visit this website to learn about organizations that are no longer recognized at Vanderbilt.  They are not subject to oversight by university staff and have elected to forgo support resources and other benefits provided to recognized student groups. Students are strongly advised against joining these organizations.

To Renew Your Organization’s Registration

  • Log into Anchor Link and go to your organization’s account;
  • Click on the “Manage Organizations” button on the top right side of your screen;
  • Click the “Register” button under your organization’s name on the organization’s home page;
  • Follow the instructions provided to complete your registration. Please review the list below for the materials you will need in order to complete the registration process;
  • As you work on the form, the system will save your content each time you click the “Next” button at the bottom of any page. To return to a registration form you have already started, go your initials or picture on the top right side of your screen (Anchor Link homepage) then click “My Submissions” and select the “Organization Registrations” tab. Look for your registration then click on the eye to open it.  Click on the title of the page you would like to return to.
  • When the registration is complete, click the submit button.  Your adviser should be notified via email to review the registration and give it a thumbs up if everything is correct.  Please make sure that your current Adviser is listed as Adviser (Formerly Coaches Fall 2022) in your organization’s Anchor Link page.
  • Please follow up with your adviser to confirm that they were flagged to review the form. If they were not, please have them reach out to our office.
  • Once the adviser approval is made, a member of our office will review and provide a final approval.  Please note that SOLS will not approve any registrations that have not been reviewed and approved first by the organization’s adviser.

***If your organization did not complete the re-registration process by the deadline, then your organization’s Anchor Link account will be frozen. Officers currently on the roster can still access their group through “My Shortcuts” in the top gold toolbar of Anchor Link to re-register but the organizations are no longer publicly accessible. Organizations that have not completed the re-registration process cannot access their task number (financial account) and will not receive their Student Org Funding until the process is complete. Please contact if you cannot access your group or have questions about the registration process. Back to Top


Organizations are required to submit an updated constitution annually.  This document will be reviewed and approved by Student Affairs.  Additionally, the organization must highlight the changes in their document and upload it to their registration.  Student Leaders may review their organization’s constitution from the “Documents” section of your group’s page on Anchor Link.  Back to Top

Items Needed for the Student Organization Registration Process

  • Name, Vanderbilt Email Address, Cell Phone Number, and VUnetID for the President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary or their equivalent.  Must be four different student officers;
  • Name, Vanderbilt Email Address and Campus Phone Number, and Cell Phone Number for your Faculty or Staff Adviser;
  • Electronic Version of the Organization’s Constitution to upload;
  • Electronic (scanned) version of the Task Number Creation Form | PDF Version to upload in order to have an on campus account for organization financial transactions.  This is only for organizations that do not have Task Numbers;
  • Electronic profile picture to upload;
  • email addresses for all members and officers of your organization either separated by commas or entered on address per line. This is a very important step to ensure membership information is accurate.
  • Upon completion of registration, based on the Adviser’s Anchor Link notification settings, Organization Advisers will receive a request to review  the registration.  If Advisers do not receive notifications, they can update their notifications by editing their profile and going to their notifications tab.  Student leaders should follow up with their Advisers to ensure that registration is complete. 
  • Once the registration is pre-approved, SOLS will review. 

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