Conference Abstracts
Friday & Saturday Evening

February 28 - March 1st, 2015

Buttrick Hall

Vanderbilt University

Nashville, Tennessee

The Department of Anthropology, together with the Center for Latin American Studies of Vanderbilt University, will host the 43rd Annual Midwest Conference on Andean and Amazonian Archaeology and Ethnohistory. This year's conference will convene a large and diverse group of scholars presenting their research on a wide array of topics, from archaeological investigation of early prehispanic times to ethnohistorical analyses of the colonial encounter in the Andes and Amazonia.

Papers must be submitted by January 15. The conference program and abstracts will be posted on this site on January 20.

If you plan to attend the conference, please take a moment to register here. The conference is free and open to the public.

Keynote speaker:

Clark Erickson, University of Pennsylvania
Paper Title:  Pre-Columbian Monumental Landscapes in the Bolivian Amazon


Library Exhibit:

A collection of South American traveler's accounts from our Central Libraries holdings of will be on display at the Jean and Alexander Heard Library.  Stop by the library anytime to peruse the exhibit.  An exhibit displaying Peruvian travel accounts is located on Floor 4 (Ground level) left of the main elevators and an exhibit displaying Brazilian travel accounts is on display on the 6th Floor in the alcove directly behind the elevators.


Updated parking information can be found here.

Please contact John Janusek john.w.janusek@vanderbilt.edu with any questions.

Hosted by

anthro logoDepartment of Anthropology

CLAIS logo Center for Latin American Studies 

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