Locations, Hours and Services
Station B Post Office (Rand Hall)
Phone (615) 322-2934
Email: stationbmail@vanderbilt.edu
United States Postal Service Window
Normal Hours
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 12 p.m. Saturday (pickup only) Fall Move-in through Commencement only.
Student Package Pick-up Window
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
(During the first **2 weeks** of any new Spring & Fall semester **ONLY**!!)
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday – Friday
(**after the first 2 weeks of the new Spring or Fall semester, hours return to normal**!)
8:00 a.m. to Noon on Saturday
(during Spring & Fall semesters)
24/7 access to Intelligent Parcel Lockers through the main entrance/Handicap entrance at Station B.
Located in the basement of Rand Hall under Rand Dining Center, Station B is the Vanderbilt University main post office. Station B houses all PMB addresses for undergraduate students. Station B handles all USPS incoming and outgoing mail, campus mail, metered mail accompanied by a meter slip and packages for students, faculty and staff of the Vanderbilt campus. Station B is also a full-service contracted United States Post Office that offers the following services:
- Stamp sales
- Express Mail
- Certified Mail
- Registered Mail
- Insured Mail
- Parcel Post
- International Mail
- Global Priority
- After-hours drop boxes
- Package pick-up for students
- Mail Only Pick-Up
- 24/7 access Intelligent Parcel Lockers
Mail Pick-Up - 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday - Friday's and 8:00 a.m. to 12 p.m Saturday
Passport services — We do not offer passport services. We do offer on campus passport fairs in conjunction with the Global Education Office at the Study Abroad Fair. The USPS will be on site to offer Passports, pictures and renewals in the Spring and Fall. Check with us for dates.
Outgoing mail — Outgoing mail is picked up daily by the USPS at 4:00 p.m.
Methods of payment for services:
We accept credit, debit cards, and the Commodore Card as forms of payment. No cash.
Peabody (Commons Center) Satellite Office
Phone (615) 322-8123
Fax (615) 322-1342
Package and Service Window
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday – Friday
No Saturday Service
Located on the second floor of The Commons Center, this location handles incoming and outgoing mail, campus mail, metered mail accompanied by a meter slip and packages for the Vanderbilt Peabody campus departments and graduate students who rent boxes. Peabody houses PMB mailboxes for departments of Peabody College and graduate students ONLY. This location offers the following services:
- Stamp sales
- Express Mail
- Certified Mail
- Insured Mail
- International Mail
- Global Priority
- After-hours drop boxes
- Package pick-up for students
- Transferred packages from Station B for residents of The Commons
Building access — Building access after hours is limited to swipe card access for approved residents, faculty and staff.
Metered mail — Metered mail dropped off after 2:15 p.m. will be processed next day.
Outgoing mail — Outgoing mail is picked up daily by the USPS at 4:00 p.m.
Methods of payment for services:
We accept credit, debit cards, and the Commodore Card as forms of payment. No cash.
Drop-Off Locations
There are two other locations on campus that have mail drops for campus mail, metered mail that is accompanied by a meter slip and stamped mail. These locations are:
Baker Building – First floor, anything dropped after the last mail run at 10:20 a.m. will be processed next business day.