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News from 2015

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  • 12/30/2015: AmericasBarometer Dominican Republic data used in Acento
  • 12/21/2015: AmericasBarometer Dominican Republic data on insecurity cited in Entorno Inteligente
  • 12/16/2015: LAPOP data used in IADB blog
  • 12/14/2015: AmericasBarometer Honduras data on crime victimization and political support used in Central American Politics
  • 12/09/2015: AmericasBarometer Colombia data on trust on institutions cited in CM&
  • 12/06/2015: AmericasBarometer Mexico data cited in Sin Embargo
  • 12/02/2015: AmericasBarometer Peru date on violence used in El Pais
  • 12/02/2015: LAPOP data on crime cited in Bussiness Insider


  • 11/29/2015: LAPOP data used in Semana Economica
  • 11/29/2015: AmericasBarometer Jamaica data used in a piece in the Jamaica Gleaner
  • 11/29/2015: LAPOP data on corruption used in El Espectador
  • 11/26/2015: AmericasBarometer Dominican data on presidential approval used in Politica Comunicada 
  • 11/26/2015: AmericasBarometer Domincan data on judicial power used in Diario Libre
  • 11/20/2015: LAPOP Caribbean data on violence used in an IADB Blog piece
  • 11/19/2015: LAPOP Director Liz Zechmeister published a piece in the Washington Post
  • 11/18/2015: AmericasBarometer Dominican data used in a piece on crime victimization in Tribuna Dominicana
  • 11/18/2015: LAPOP data on terrorism used in Expreso
  • 11/18/2015: AmericasBarometer Costa Rica data used in El Mundo
  • 11/16/2015: Data on terrorism used in En Perspectiva
  • 11/15/2015: AmericasBarometer Peru data on insecurity used in America TV
  • 11/15/2015: AmericasBarometer Peru data used in El Comercio
  • 11/18/2015: AmericasBarometer 2014 data used in Reconciliando Mundos
  • 11/03/2015: Altavoz used LAPOP data on Peru in a piece about insecurity
  • 11/02/2015: AmericasBarometer Peru data used in Foreign Affairs
  • 11/02/2015: AmericasBarometer Nicaragua data used in Confidencial


  • 10/28/2015: La Prensa published a piece using LAPOP data on protest behavior
  • 10/26/2015: Vice Versa Magazine used LAPOP data on vigilante justice 
  • 10/26/2015: LAPOP data on trust in the justice system used in EJ Central
  • 10/22/2015: AmericasBarometer Mexico data on bribery used in Reporte Indigo
  • 10/22/2015: 2014 AmericasBarometer Peru data used in a piece about crime in Noticia Ser
  • 10/22/2015: Liz Zechmeister's (et al) book The Latin American Voter featured in Cronista
  • 10/22/2015: AmericasBarometer Mexico data used by CBS Miami about infrastructure ahead of Hurricane Patricia
  • 10/22/2015: AmericasBarometer Argentina data used in Bastion Digital
  • 10/21/2015: VU News published a piece featuring a LAPOP Insights on discrimination against homosexuals in Jamaica
  • 10/19/2015: La Opinion published a piece on human rights in Mexico using 2014 AmericasBarometer data
  • 10/19/2015: Contenido published a piece on racism using LAPOP data
  • 10/16/2015: AmericasBarometer data on trust in the justice system used in El Economista
  • 10/15/2015: AmericasBarometer data on corruption in Colombia used in El Colombiano
  • 10/14/2015: Desde la Red published a piece on human rights using AmericasBarometer data
  • 10/12/2015: Terra published a piece on vigilante justice using 2014 AmericasBarometer data
  • 10/09/2015: El Caribe published a piece on trust in the justice system using LAPOP data
  • 10/07/2015: VU News published a piece featuring a LAPOP Insights on domestic violence in Guatemala, which was also featured in Central American Politics
  • 10/05/2015: LAPOP data used in two pieces in El Caribe, one on the Dominican Republic and one on clientelism 
  • 10/03/2015: Acento published two pieces on political behavior and civic engagement using LAPOP data




  • 07/30/2015: LAPOP Costa Rica data used in El Pais
  • 07/25/2015: LAPOP data on marijuana policy in Uruguay used in El Universal
  • 07/23/2015: Global Possibilities used LAPOP data on the Nicaraguan Canal
  • 07/22/2015: AmericasBarometer data used in Republica
  • 07/21/2015: The Jamaica Observer quoted the National Security Minister using LAPOP data
  • 07/15/2015: The Jamaica Gleaner and Nationwide 90FM Radio featured LAPOP data used by National Security Minister Peter Bunting
  • 07/14/2015: AmericasBaromter data on trust in the Catholic church used in Republica
  • 07/13/2015: AmericasBarometer data mentioned on UN Radio
  • 07/13/2015: LAPOP data on crime in Argentina used in La Nacion
  • 07/12/2015: AmericasBarometer data on Jamaica used in the Jamaica Gleaner
  • 07/09/2015: LAPOP data on Catholicism in the region used in ABC Color and Metro Ecuador
  • 07/06/2015: Vanderbilt University issued a press release regarding a LAPOP Insights report written by VU PhD student Claire Evans
  • 07/06/2015: AmericasBarometer data on vigilante justice used in Razon Publica
  • 0705/15: LAPOP Venezuela data on satisfaction with democracy used in Folha
  • 07/04/2015: LAPOP Guyana data on the police force used in NewsNow
  • 07/02/2015: LAPOP data on Brazil used in Le Monde
  • 07/01/2015: A LAPOP Insights on the environment featured in the blog Two Weeks Notice



  • 05/28/2015: Spy Ghana published a piece on education in Peru using LAPOP data
  • 05/28/2015: El Nuevo Siglo published a piece on Colombia using LAPOP data
  • 05/27/2015: LAPOP Affiliate Greg Weeks published a piece in Latin American Global
  • 05/27/2015: LAPOP Peru data used in Ensayo Estado
  • 05/25/2015: El Pais used LAPOP Mexico data to talk about racial discrimination
  • 05/24/2015: The Jamaica Gleaner published a piece on trust in the police using LAPOP data
  • 05/23/2015: LAPOP Uruguay data used in Subrayado
  • 05/22/2015: LAPOP Colombia data used in La Opinion
  • 05/21/2015: The Jamaica Observer published two pieces on public trust of law enforcement featuring LAPOP data
  • 05/20/2015: The IADB Blog posted a piece on skin tone using AmericasBarometer data
  • 05/19/2015: WRadio used LAPOP data to talk about corruption in Colombia
  • 05/19/2015: LAPOP data on Corruption in Colombia used in El Heraldo
  • 05/18/2015: La Jornada used LAPOP data on Paraguay
  • 05/16/2015: LAPOP data on corruption in Colombia used in Dinero
  • 05/15/2015: LAPOP Peru data used in Piura TV Online
  • 05/15/2015: O Globo cited LAPOP data on Brazil
  • 05/13/2015: La Republica used LAPOP data on what Colombians think should be done with FARC Guerillas
  • 05/12/2015: RCN Radio used LAPOP data on Colombia
  • 05/12/2015: La Republica used AmericasBarometer data in two pieces on the Colombian peace process
  • 05/12/2015: LAPOP data on the Colombian peace process used in La FM
  • 05/12/2015: El Nuevo Siglo published a piece on corruption using LAPOP Data
  • 05/12/2015: Caracol Radio used AmericasBarometer data in two pieces on the Colombian peace process
  • 05/12/2015: LAPOP Colombia Dissemination
  • 05/11/2015: LAPOP data on internet use in El Salvador used in Diario El Mundo
  • 05/09/2015: The Nassau Guardian used LAPOP data on crime in the Bahamas
  • 05/09/2015: 2014 AmericasBarometer data used in Semana
  • 05/09/2015: LAPOP Uruguay data used in Espectador
  • 05/07/2015: LAPOP's Jessica Brunelle, Emily Saunders, and Liz Zechmeister published a piece in Americas Quarterly
  • 05/06/2015: LAPOP Peru data used in El Comercio
  • 05/05/2015: LAPOP affiliate Ryan Carlin featured in Tribuna
  • 05/04/2015: LAPOP Data on Bahamians' views about various civic institutions used in the Nassau Guardian
  • 05/04/2015: 2014 AmericasBarometer Peru data used in Offnews
  • 05/04/2015: 2014 AmericasBarometer data used in La Republica
  • 05/01/2015: LAPOP Peru data used in El Monotonero



  • 03/31/2015: Vanderbilt University Press cited a piece on Uruguay in their press brief using LAPOP data
  • 03/30/2015: AmericasBarometer data used in a piece in El Guardian on tolerance in Costa Rica
  • 03/30/2015: Actualidad RT used 2014 LAPOP data to write a piece on vigilante justice
  • 03/29/2015: LAPOP Brazil data used in Seropedica Online
  • 03/29/2015: FMANHA used LAPOP data
  • 03/28/2015: LAPOP Brazil data used in Ultimo Segundo
  • 03/28/2015: AmericasBarometer data used in Politica Estadao
  • 03/28/2015: Infobae used LAPOP data on a piece on vigilante justice
  • 03/28/2015: AmericasBarometer data on the most serious problem facing Latin Americans used in El Manana de Tabsco
  • 03/26/2015: 2014 LAPOP data used in Valor
  • 03/26/2015: Infolatam used AmericasBarometer data on regulation of the marijuana market in Uruguay
  • 03/25/2015: Vanderbilt University Press published a brief citing a LAPOP Insights
  • 03/25/2015: LAPOP data on regulation of the cannabis market used in Espectador , R7 Noticias, Servidor Noticias, and Montevideo Portal
  • 03/23/2015: LAPOP data on police response used in
  • 03/21/2015: 2014 AmericasBarometer data used in Latina Press
  • 03/21/2015: AmericasBarometer data on Guyana used in Kaieteur News
  • 03/21/2015: 2014 AmericasBarometer data on emigration used in Alternativas Noticias and Infobae
  • 03/20/2015: The political blog Two Weeks Notice highlighted LAPOP affiliate Kenneth Coleman's Insights on the Nicaragua Canal
  • 03/19/2015: LAPOP data about the canal in Nicragua used in Confidencial and Radio La Primerisima
  • 03/19/2015: ADN 90.7 Radio used LAPOP Costa Rica data to talk about confidence in the judicial system and B24 Noticias  and CRHoy used it to talk about political tolerance
  • 03/18/2015: 2014 LAPOP Bolivia data used in Revista Humanum
  • 03/17/2015: La Republica and La Tarde used LAPOP Colombia data to talk about the peace process
  • 03/17/2015: 2014 LAPOP data used in INews Guyana
  • 03/17/2015: Diario Co Latino and FundaUngo published reports on the the results of the LAPOP dissemination in El Salvador
  • 03/17/2015: The Guyana Times published a piece on President Ramotar vowing to fix the 911 police system featuring LAPOP data
  • 03/16/2015: AmericasBarometer data used in Segured  and Soy 502 to talk about police response
  • 03/16/2015: La Prensa Libre used 2010 and 2014 AmericasBarometer data to talk about the decline in political tolerance in Costa Rica
  • 03/16/2015: INews Guyana used AmericasBarometer data to talk about happiness
  • 03/16/2015: Huacho published a piece on police response using AmericasBarometer data
  • 03/16/2015: Ethic cited AmericasBarometer data on corruption and bribery
  • 03/16/2015: 2014 LAPOP Costa Rica data used in El Guardian
  • 03/15/2015: LAPOP data on police response used in La Republica
  • 03/14/2015: Infobae used 2014 AmericasBarometer data
  • 03/13/2015: Kaieteur News, the Guyana Chronicle, and the Guyana Times all cited LAPOP data on trust in the police
  • 03/12/2015: News Source Guyana and GINA reported on President Ramotar citing LAPOP data
  • 03/12/2015: INews Guyana published two articles using LAPOP data, one on trust in the police and one on President Ramotar's plan to unveil a new 911 system citing AM data in trust in the police
  • 03/12/2015: El Mundo cited LAPOP data on the peace process in Colombia
  • 03/12/2015: Guyanese president Donald Ramotar cited Liz Zechmeister and Mitch Seligson's presentation of AB data as reported by Caribbean News Desk
  • 03/11/2015: Dirigentes Digital published a piece on corruption using LAPOP data
  • 03/11/2015: LAPOP data on the peace process in Colombia used in CMI
  • 03/11/2015: 2014 AmericasBarometer data on corruption used in Aleteia
  • 03/10/2015: Crime Blog Lemonade used 2014 LAPOP data on crime victimization
  • 03/09/2015: GINA in Guyana used 2014 AmericasBarometer data on migration
  • 03/09/2015: Kaieteur News reported on Liz Zechmeister and Mitch Seligson's presentation on the acceptance of domestic violence in Guyana
  • 03/08/2015: 2014 AmericasBarometer data on corruption and bribery used in Ultima Hora
  • 03/08/2015: 2014 LAPOP data on corruption used in Latina Press
  • 03/08/2015: AmericasBarometer data used in an article in Kaieteur News on the lack of trust in the police in Guyana
  • 03/06/2015: LAPOP Data used in a piece on "the Most Serious Problem" facing Guyana in INews Guyana
  • 03/05/2015: Kaieteur News published two pieces on Liz Zechmeister and Mitch Seligson's presentations in Guyana.  One on trust in the police and one on perceptions of government responsiveness
  • 03/05/2015: Caribbean News Desk  and INews Guyana published pieces on levels of satisfaction with democracy in Guyana using LAPOP data
  • 03/04/2015: 2014 LAPOP Costa Rica data used in Noticias Teletica 
  • 03/04/2015: 2014 AmericasBarometer data used in Presidencia
  • 03/03/2015: Vanderbilt University released a memo using LAPOP data on Venezuela
  • 03/03/2015: A LAPOP Insights Topical Brief featured in Two Weeks Notice
  • 03/03/2015: LAPOP data on tolerance of homosexuals and support for marriage equality in Latin America used in CMI Brief
  • 03/01/2015: LAPOP data on trust in institutions in Honduras used in La Tribuna


  • 02/25/2015: Florida International University used AmericasBarometer data in a piece about marijuana legalization in Uruguay
  • 02/18/2015: The Christian Science Monitor used 2014 AmericasBarometer data on Argentina
  • 02/18/2015: Vanderbilt University published a press brief on a LAPOP Insights report written on the death of the Argentine prosecutor
  • 02/16/2015: LAPOP alum wrote a piece in Infolatam about polarization and corruption in Argentina following Prosecutor Nisman's death
  • 02/16/2015: 2014 AmericasBarometer data used in a piece on tolerance in El Universo
  • 02/15/2015: Razon Publica used AmericasBarometer data on a piece on marijuana use in Uruguay
  • 02/15/2015: The Guyana Chronicle used LAPOP data in a piece on public trust
  • 02/14/2015: AmericasBarometer data used in La Tercera Dicion Impresa
  • 02/11/2015: Diario La Tribuna published a piece of the principle findings of the 2014 round of the AmericasBarometer for Honduras
  • 02/10/2015: teleSUR  published a piece using LAPOP data
  • 02/10/2015: Presencia reports on LAPOP
  • 02/09/2015: 2012 and 2014 AmericasBarometer data used in a piece in LPerello
  • 02/09/2015: LAPOPs Mollie Cohen and Liz Zechmeister wrote a piece for Washington Posts Monkey Cage
  • 02/08/2015: 2014 AmericasBarometer data used in Gazeta do Povo
  • 02/07/2015: AmericasBarometer data on the principle problems facing Hondurans used in a piece in Presencia
  • 02/06/2015: 2014 AmericasBarometer data used in an article in O Globo
  • 02/05/2015: AmericasBarometer data on the most trusted institutions in Honduras featured in Tiempo
  • 02/04/2015: 2014 LAPOP Honduras data used in La Prensa , AmericaEconomica and Proceso
  • 02/02/2015: AmericasBarometer data used in an article in Espectador on trust in the justice system
  • 02/01/2015: 2014 AmericasBarometer data on confidence in the justice system is used in an article in Infobae
  • 02/01/2015: LAPOP data on corruption in Mexico used in Nexos


  • 01/31/2015: LAPOP Paraguay data on confidence in the justice system used in Ultima Hora
  • 01/31/2015: AmericasBarometer data on confidence in the justice system used in Infobae
  • 01/30/2015: LAPOP data on punitive measures against crime used in Listin Diario
  • 01/26/2015: AmericasBarometer data on fiscal discipline used in Los Tiempos
  • 01/26/2015: The Globe and Mail featured AmericasBarometer data on voting in Canada
  • 01/25/2015: AmericasBarometer data used to create an infograph in El Telegrafo
  • 01/25/2015: LAPOP Bolivia data used in El Dia
  • 01/24/2014: AmericasBarometer data on Uruguay used in Radio Montecarlo
  • 01/24/2015: LAPOP data on Venezuela used in La Patilla
  • 01/21/2015: AmericasBarometer data on Peru used in Cronicaviva
  • 01/15/2015: LAPOP data used in BS Noticias
  • 01/15/2015: 2014 AmericasBarometer data used to discuss the loss of political trust in an article for La Hora
  • 01/10/2015: LAPOP data on insecurity used in Peru21
  • 01/05/2015: 2014 data on trust in the armed forces is cited in Proceso
  • 01/03/2015: 2014 AmericasBarometer data on crime victimization used in Diario Correo 
  • 01/03/2015: AmericasBarometer data on Ecuador used El Telegrafo
  •  01/03/2015: AmericasBarometer data on Honduras used in El Heraldo