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News from 2014

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  • 12/31/2014: An article focused on Ecuador in Andes uses 2014 AmericasBarometer data
  • 12/31/2014: Data in the 2014 AmericasBarometer on corruption used in Peru21
  • 12/21/2014: The Leader Post in Canada cited 2014 about life satisfaction and income levels
  • 12/31/2014: 2014 AmericasBarometer data used in a piece in La Presse in Canada
  • 12/31/2014: Peruvian institute integracion featured the 2014 AB data
  • 12/30/2014: 2012 data on life satisfaction used in Diario El Mundo
  • 12/28/2014: 2014 AmericasBarometer data used in the Contejurando Blog
  • 12/28/2014: 2014 LAPOP data on Uruguay used in Kaieteur News
  • 12/27/2014: Data on election fraud in Canada cited in the Ottawa Citizen
  • 12/26/2014: Data on political tolerance in Panama used in TVNoticias
  • 12/26/2014:  Tiempo in  Honduras cited the 2014 data in an article
  • 12/25/2014: 2014 data on Honduras used in Diario La Prensa and Pais
  • 12/25/2014: 2014 AmericasBarometer data used in El Comercio in Peru
  • 12/22/2014: LAPOP affiliate Orlando Perez is quoted in Central American Politics Blog
  • 12/21/2014: 2014 AmericasBarometer data used in a piece on punishment vs. prevention regarding criminal justice in infobae
  • 12/20/2014: The 2014 Comparative report cited in ICNDiario
  • 12/19/2014: Prensa Libre highlights LAPOP's impact evaluation on CARSI
  • 12/18/2014: 2014 AmericasBarometer data on insecurity used in La Nacion
  • 12/18/2014: 2014 Dominican Republic data on political parties used in El Caribe
  • 12/17/2014: 2014 AB data used in 7dias
  • 12/17/2014: 2014 Uruguay data used in Vision Federal 
  • 12/16/2014: 2010 Dominican Republic data on same-sex marriage used in a piece in the Christian Science Monitor 
  • 12/15/2014: 2014 AmericasBarometer data used in El Nuevo Diario
  • 12/13/2014: 2014 AB data used in Noticias de Guatemala
  • 12/12/2014: Enorsai uses LAPOP data from 2010 to 2014 in an article
  • 12/12/2014: LAPOP's Fernanda Boidi quoted in El Pais
  • 12/10/2014: 2014 Ecuador data used in El Comercio
  • 12/09/2014: Global Rights Blog features LAPOP data on skin tone
  • 12/09/2014: The America's Quarterly  publishes a piece about the event in NYC
  • 12/08/2014: LAPOP's Mitch Seligson and Liz Zechmeister quoted in El Tiempo
  • 12/08/2014: 2014 AB data on Peru used in El Comercio
  • 12/08/2014: BBC Brasil features LAPOP data in a piece on system support and political tolerance
  • 12/08/2014: The 2012 AB data used in
  • 12/06/2014: LAPOP director Elizabeth Zechmeister quoted in the Christian Science Monitor
  • 12/05/2014: The blog Two Weeks Notice featurea the 2014 data on the relationship between democracy and growth
  • 12/04/2014: The Pan American Post highlights the 2014 AB data
  • 12/04/2014: LAPOP's Fernanda Boidi quoted in El Pais
  • 12/03/2014: Greg Weeks wrote a piece about the LAPOP-FIU conference in his Two Weeks Notice Blog
  • 12/03/2014: 2014 Uruguay data used in Subrayado
  • 12/03/2014: Two pieces in Perucom use the 2014 data on crime and insecurity in the Americas
  • 12/03/2014: LAPOP affiliate Fernanda Boidi quoted in Montevideo Portal
  • 12/03/2014: 2014 AB data on insecurity used in La Nacion
  • 12/03/2014: Information from LAPOP's impact evaluation on CARSI featured in InSightCrime
  • 12/03/2014: Statistics drawn from the 2014 AmericasBarometer featured in Informarte Comunicacion
  • 12/03/2014: 2014 AB data on robbery and murders used in Infobae
  • 12/03/2014: 2014 Uruguay data used in a piece on crime victimization in El Pais
  • 12/01/2014: 2014 AB data featured in O Globo
  • 12/01/2014: 2014 AmericasBarometer data used in the Mendoza Post 


  • 11/27/2014: 2014 AB data featured in Caracol Radio
  • 11/26/2014: 2014 AB data on corruption used in La Nacion
  • 11/26/2014: LAPOP data on President Ramotar of Guyana used in Kaieteur News
  • 11/26/2014: 2014 AB data used in Caracol Radio
  • 11/25/2014: Vanderbilt's press release on the 2014 Comparative Report
  • 11/25/2014: La Segunda Online features 2014 AB data on insecurity
  • 11/25/2014: 2014 AB data on Bolivia used in Erbol Digital
  • 11/25/2014: 2014 AB data used in Ciudad Nueva
  • 11/24/2014: 2014 AmericasBarometer data on crime and violence used in El Pais
  • 11/24/2014: 2014 AmericasBarometer data used in 14 y Medio
  • 11/17/2014: LAPOPs CARSI impact evaluation cited in El Mundo
  • 11/16/2014: 2012 AmericasBarometer data on political participation used in Infobae
  • 11/11/2014: 2012 data on support for democratic systems in Costa Rica used in Crhoy
  • 11/08/2014: 2012 LAPOP data on skin tone used in Plaza Publica
  • 11/08/2014: 2012 AmericasBarometer data used in El Comercio
  • 11/06/2014: 2012 Guatemala data used in El Periodico de Guatemala
  • 11/04/2014: LAPOP affiliate Arturo Maldonado quoted in Agenda Pais and RPP Noticias
  • 11/04/2014: 2010 AmericasBarometer data used in O Globo
  • 11/03/2014: The US Department of State's press release on the CARSI study
  • 11/02/2014: LAPOP affiliate Rosario Queirolo quoted in El Pais


  • 10/30/2014: Vanderbilt's press release on the CARSI study
  • 10/30/2014: USAID cites the CARSI study in their press release
  • 10/29/2014: LAPOP Director Liz Zechmeister quoted in USA Today
  • 10/29/2014: LAPOP data cited in an article on the peace talks in Colombia in Pressenza
  • 10/27/2014: 2014 AmericasBarometer data used in  El Tiempo
  • 10/26/2014: LAPOP affiliate Jose Miguel Cruz is quoted in NPR
  • 10/25/2014: LAPOP's Fernanda Boidi quoted in El Pais
  • 10/22/2014: 2014 Chile data used in Plural Chile
  • 10/22/2014: A piece on the "mestizaje" in Bolivia uses LAPOP data in La Razon
  • 10/22/2014: LAPOP data on crime victimization in Peru used in a piece in El Comercio
  • 10/21/2014: 2010 AmericasBarometer data used in Acento
  • 10/18/2014: Uruguay data used in a piece on the elections in La Tercera
  • 10/16/2014: 2012 AmericasBarometer data used in Poder Judicial
  • 10/16/2014: Data on the justice system in Uruguay used in El Pais
  • 10/15/2014: A blog on Latin America, Two Weeks Notice, highlights an article using LAPOP data
  • 10/15/2014: 2012 AmericasBarometer data used in Con Distinctos Acentos
  • 10/13/2014: Data on corruption in Bolivia used in Radio FM Bolivia
  • 10/10/2014: The "Political Culture of Democracy in Bolivia" study is cited in Los Tiempos
  • 10/09/2014: 2014 Uruguay data used in a piece on the legalization of marijuana in El Pais
  • 10/08/2014: The social inclusion indicators to which LAPOP contributes are mentioned in Boyaca Radio
  • 10/06/2014: 2014 AmericasBarometer data used in a piece on youth political engagement in Pieb
  • 10/01/2014: 2014 Bolivia data used in an article on political culture in Pagina Siete


  • 09/30/2014: LAPOP's John Hiskey quoted in Think Progress
  • 09/28/2014: 2012AmericasBarometer data on corruption used in La Colmena
  • 09/27/2014: 2012 AmericasBarometer used in a piece in El Peruano on crime and violence
  • 09/26/2014: LAPOP is featured in an article in Plan V
  • 09/22/2014: 2010 AmericasBarometer data used in Grupo Milenio
  • 09/22/2014: 2012 data on crime and violence used in ARG Noticias
  • 09/21/2014: 2012 AmericasBarometer data used in El Comercio
  • 09/19/2014: LAPOP data on the Colombian peace process used in Diario Rotativo
  • 09/19/2014: Colombia data used in Diario del Huila
  • 09/18/2014: 2014 AB data used in Caracol Radio
  • 09/18/2014: 2014 AmericasBaromoter used in Caracol
  • 09/15/2014: Data on Uruguay used in a piece in Insight on the legalization of marijuana
  • 09/15/2014: 2014 AmericasBarometer data on Boliva used in El Mundo
  • 09/14/2014: Data on corruption used in La Prensa
  • 09/12/2014: 2014 AB data on political culture used in La Razon
  • 09/11/2014: AB data on corruption used in Pagina Siete
  • 09/11/2014: Bolivia data used in Los Tiempos
  • 09/10/2014: 2014 AB data used in an article in Pagina Siete on trust in political parties
  • 09/10/2014: 2013 AmericasBarometer data used in Correo del Sur
  • 09/09/2014: 2014 AmericasBarometer data used in an article on WKM Radio
  • 09/09/2014: LAPOP data referenced in Paraguay Debate
  • 09/06/2014: LAPOP affiliate Daniel Moreno quoted in Los Tiempos



  • 07/31/2014: LAPOP team member Ana Maria Montoya's Insights report referenced in El Espectador
  • 07/30/2014: LAPOP team member Ana Maria Montoya's Insights report featured in Two Weeks Notice
  • 07/30/2014: 2012 AmericasBarometer data featured in El Nuevo Siglo
  • 07/29/2014: LAPOP founder Mitch Seligson featured in a press release from Vanderbilt
  • 07/29/2014: Colombia data used in a piece on peace talks with the FARC in Infobae
  • 07/29/2014: Colombia data used in Colombia Reports
  • 07/29/2014: AmericasBarometer data used by the Americas Quarterly
  • 07/28/2014: Haiti data cited in Acento
  • 07/24/2014: LAPOP affiliate Jose Miguel Cruz uses LAPOP data for a piece in the Miami Herald
  • 07/24/2014: 2012 AmericasBarometer data used in Notimerica
  • 07/24/2014: LAPOP data used in an article about legalizing marijuana in Uruguay in Insight Crime
  • 07/23/2014: LAPOP data on Guyana cited in the Guyana Chronicle Online
  • 07/23/2014: 2012 data from Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador cited in Christian Science Monitor
  • 07/23/2014: LAPOP affiliate Kenneth Coleman featured in a piece in 100% Noticias
  • 07/22/2014: LAPOP data used in a retrospective piece about Somoza's overthrow in The Tico Times
  • 07/21/2014: 2010-2014 AmericasBarometer data cited in Confidencial
  • 07/20/2014: Nicaragua data about the canal cited in El Pais
  • 07/19/2014: LAPOP affiliate Kenneth Coleman featured in El Nuevo Diario
  • 07/17/2014: Nicaragua data about the canal used in La Prensa
  • 07/14/2014: 2014 data on political culture used in La Prensa
  • 07/14/2014: LAPOP data used in a piece on political ideology in El Espectador
  • 07/14/2014: LAPOP's data used to talk about "stable authoritarianism" in Nicaragua in Confidencial
  • 07/14/2014: LAPOP affiliate Dinora Azpuru published a piece in Con Distinctos Acentos
  • 07/12/2014: LAPOP affiliate Kenneth Coleman mentioned in an article in Confidencial
  • 07/10/2014: LAPOP data on bribery featured in Vanguardia
  • 07/10/2014: Paraguay data used in a piece for Ultima Hora
  • 07/10/2014: 2014 AmericasBarometer data on public health services in Paraguay cited in
  • 07/10/2014: 2014 data on Nicaragua used in La Prensa
  • 07/10/2014: AmericasBarometer data on social values used in Hola Politica
  • 07/10/2014: LAPOP 2014 data used in El Nuevo Diario
  • 07/10/2014: LAPOP affiliate Kenneth Coleman quoted in Confidencial
  • 07/10/2014: 2012 AmericasBarometer data used in a piece for ABC
  • 07/09/2014: 2012 data on bribery used in an article in Ultima Hora
  • 07/09/2014: LAPOP founder Mitch Seligson is featured in
  • 07/08/2014: Nicargua data used in an article about a proposed new canal route in El Universal
  • 07/06/2014: Colombia data cited in an article in Semana
  • 07/05/2014: 2012 Bolivia data used in an article in Los Tiempos
  • 07/04/2014: 2012 Mexico data used in Periodico Victoria
  • 07/04/2014: 2012 AmericasBarometer data used in El Siglo
  • 07/03/2014: Mexico data used in Animal Politico
  • 07/01/2014: LAPOP affiliate Ryan Carlin published a piece in Este Pais





  • 03/28/2014: LAPOP's Orlando Perez is featured in La Prensa
  • 03/28/2014: LAPOP's Mariana Rodriguez and Jonathan Hiskey mentioned in an article on Venezuela
  • 03/25/2014: Colombia data featured in El Espectador
  • 03/24/2014: Colombia data featured in an article in El Espectador
  • 03/19/2014: Peru data on life satisfaction used in El Comercio
  • 03/18/2014: 2008 AmericasBarometer data cited in Coherencia
  • 03/18/2014: LAPOP data used in a piece about the peace process with the FARC in Real Insitututo ElCano
  • 03/17/2014: 2012 AB data on Jamaica used in Gleaner
  • 03/15/2014: 2012 data on trust in institutions focusing on the Catholic church used in an article from the archdiocese in Costa Rica
  • 03/11/2014: Costa Rica 2012 data used in CR Hoy
  • 03/10/2014: 2012 AmericasBarometer used in lettera43
  • 03/09/2014: LAPOP data used in Colombia Internacional
  • 03/07/2014: AmericasBarometer data used in Peru21
  • 03/07/2014: LAPOP's Mariana Rodríguez and Jonathan Hiskey use LAPOP data in Americas Quarterly
  • 03/07/2014: LAPOP's "graph of the week" is tweeted by the University of the Andes
  • 03/07/2014: 2008 AmericasBarometer data cited in an article for the London School of Economics
  • 03/06/2014: Bolivia data on political culture used in
  • 03/05/2014: LAPOP's Mariana Rodríguez and Jonathan Hiskey use LAPOP data in Infolatam
  • 03/04/2014: An article using LAPOP data in El Salvador featured in
  • 03/04/2014: An article using LAPOP data on corruption in El Financiero
  • 03/03/14: Colombia 2012 data used in an article in Razon Publica

