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The AmericasBarometer, LAPOP Lab’s largest survey research project, is a periodic study of 34 countries in the Western Hemisphere, with stratified nationally representative samples drawn in each country, a common questionnaire core, and country-specific modules. It is the only scientifically rigorous comparative survey of democratic values and behaviors that covers all independent countries in North, Central, and South America, as well as a significant number of countries in the Caribbean. The AmericasBarometer measures attitudes, evaluations, experiences, and behavior in the Americas using national probability samples of voting-age adults. Standardizing methods and a common core questionnaire permit valid comparisons across countries and over time on topics including the economy, rule of law, state capacity, trust in institutions, individual values, corruption, security, and more.

The AmericasBarometer was launched in 2004/05, with 11 countries, and quickly grew to cover 34 countries in the Americas. The latest round of the AmericasBarometer was carried out in 2023 and includes over 41,000 interviews in 26 countries.

AmericasBarometer datasets are freely available, with no registration required. Those wanting to query project data interactively can make use of our Data Playground. LAPOP Lab also regularly publishes reports on AmericasBarometer methods and findings in the Insights series, country reports, and regional reports.