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Donation Drive Policy

Posted by on Sunday, August 28, 2011 in Archives, Official Notices.

Donation Drive Policy for the Office of Housing & Residential Education

University Housing will permit student organizations to set-up collection boxes at the central information desk in each residential area: Mims, CTE, CTW, BQ, Lewis, Hank Ingram and Vanderbilt/Barnard.

To obtain approval to have a collection in the residence halls, email Toi Batson in the Facilities Management The following information will be required:

(1) DATES.  Only one organization at a time may set-up and operate a collection for a one week period only, Monday morning through Sunday evening.  The sequence of groups will be on a first come, first served basis.

(2) CONTACT INFORMATION (including cell phone) for a representative in charge of the collection. The group must provide a plan for monitoring collection boxes and collecting donated items. In the event boxes overflow, OHARE will contact the representative to arrange a pick-up of donated items.  If there is no response within 24 hours, the items will be discarded.

(3) A DETAILED FLYER. Submit to the Facilities Management Office in Branscomb #1106 one full week prior to the start of the donation drive. The flyer should include information about the dates of the drive, the sponsoring student organization and the target charity. After approval the organization may post the flyers in residence halls on bulletin boards only.

Failure to comply with all the guidelines above will cause the drive to be suspended or terminated. Unapproved collection containers will be removed immediately from residence halls.

A word of advice: Be sure to select a reputable charity. Several years ago, student groups raised funds for an organization that went bankrupt under suspicious circumstances.

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