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Transforming Pain into Power

Posted by on Thursday, November 1, 2012 in Archives, News.

Transforming Pain into Power:  A Spoken Word and Theatrical Performance with Daniel Beaty

Tuesday, November 6th from 7:00 p.m. – 8:15 p.m.
Ballrooms, Student Life Center

Sponsored by: The Office of Leadership Development and Intercultural Affairs
Co-Sponsored by: The Dean of Students, Bishop Joseph Jonson Black Cultural Center, Black Student Alliance, Peabody Coalition of Black Graduates, the Multicultural Leadership Council, and Vanderbilt Spoken Word

Daniel Beaty will discuss his journey from growing up with a father who was a heroin addict and dealer to discovering his purpose, graduating from Yale University, and his current career. This will include theatrical performance, spoken word poetry, and character excerpts from his play EMERGENCY. Including  special performances by VANDERBILT SPOKEN WORD.

Open to members of the Vanderbilt community and the general public.