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The Future is all Around Us

Posted by on Monday, June 25, 2012 in Features, June/July 2012.

This special issue of House Organ is devoted to the future of VUMC.

A team of writers and reporters from VUMC News and Communications spoke to a selected group of Medical Center leaders about where they think the opportunities and challenges lie in the decade ahead, and the part that all of us play as we move ahead together.

Our strategy was to ask many people the same questions, on the theory that they would think about the question through the lens of their area of expertise, but would also relate that to the institution as a whole.

Some people were also asked questions specific to their areas of responsibility.

Taken as a whole, the thoughts, dreams and plans expressed here provide a snapshot of a great Medical Center planning and working to become even greater.

Nobody has a crystal ball, of course. We all know that national and world events can intervene and change our plans.

But looking over the horizon line ahead also helps us find our bearings now, and the leaders interviewed here take seriously their roles in finding the seeds of what we can become in the present in which we are.

And please note: nobody here predicts that in the future all of us will be taking jet packs to work.

Jeff Balser, M.D., Ph.D.

Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs and Dean of the School of Medicine

Colleen Conway-Welch, MSN, Ph.D.

Dean, School of Nursing

Mary Yarbrough, MPH, M.D.

Executive Director, Faculty and Staff Health and Wellness

Luke Gregory, M.A, MHA, MBA

CEO, Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt

Susan Wente. Ph.D.

Associate Vice Chancellor for Research

Wright Pinson, MBA, M.D.

Deputy Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs and CEO of the Vanderbilt Health System

Marilyn Dubree, MSN, RN

Executive chief nursing officer

David Posch, M.S.

CEO of Vanderbilt University Hospital and Clinics

Keith Churchwell, M.D.

Executive Director and Chief Medical Officer, Vanderbilt Heart and Vascular Institute

Traci Nordberg, J.D.

Associate Vice Chancellor and Human Resource Officer

William Stead, M.D.

Associate Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs; Chief Strategy and Information Officer

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