Community Engagement Collaboration Fund

aerial image of Vanderbilt campus

Through the Community Engagement Collaboration Fund, Vanderbilt Community Relations seeks to support collaborations between local community organizations with Vanderbilt engagement to address a local community opportunity or need.

The funding program is designed to create, expand, or facilitate collaborations, initiatives, projects, joint research endeavors, or outreach between Vanderbilt and its Nashville community partners.

Funding will support efforts that bring interdisciplinary or cross-campus partners together and demonstrate clear inclusion of community voice and engagement. At Vanderbilt, we believe community engagement is best accomplished and sustained through cross-disciplinary partnerships between Vanderbilt and community organizations. We believe that radical collaboration fosters holistic solutions to complex issues, promotes a culture of innovation, and establishes a foundation of trust, ensuring enduring impact on community well-being. This fund’s development aims to facilitate such community-engaged collaboration.

Award amounts vary based on need and project. All full-time, VU-employed staff and Provost-reporting faculty are eligible to apply.

  • Proposal Requirements
    • Applicants must be on collaborative teams with a minimum of 2 campus partners representing distinct disciplines or units (ex. VU Libraries and VU Athletics) and a minimum of 1 local community partner (nonprofit or public, based in Middle Tennessee). Only one applicant from each team need apply
    • Articulate a clear, well-defined community need
    • Include a statement of support from the partnering community organization that outlines their participation and role
    • Initiatives must align with the VU Community Engagement Guiding Principles
    • Include an anticipated budget utilizing the provided template – not to exceed $7500. Larger requests will be considered based on available funds. All funds must be spent in the fiscal year in which they were awarded.
    • Allowable use of funds include: new collaborative initiative or enhancement of existing/planned project. Potential examples may include event catering, space fees, undergraduate and graduate student workers’ wages, programmatic supplies, professional services and honoraria.
  • Unallowable Expenses
    • Direct sponsorship/ donations/ subgranting/ regranting to organizations or individuals
    • Marketing and operating expenses not related to the project
    • Staff salaries or other personnel expenses except for the purposes of undergraduate/graduate wages
    • Travel expenses
    • Cash reserves
    • Software or databases
    • Project plan, scope, timeline and anticipated outcomes
    • Funded projects must submit a final report on project impact, reflections, and use of funds.

For questions about the Community Engagement Collaboration Fund, please contact Community Relations Coordinator Casey Gymrek at

The 2024-2025 application cycle will open on August 1, 2024.