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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

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Listed Below:   Labadists; Lactantius; LAITY AND THEIR MINISTRIES:  in Mexico;  In Scandinavia;  ||| Lamennais, Félicité Robert de; Lampadion; Lancasterian Schools;  LAND CLUSTER:  Land in Christian Thought and Praxis in Africa;  Land  in Christian Thought and Praxis in Latin America; Land, Theological Perspectives of Indigenous People around the World;  Landmarkism;  Langton, Stephen; Lateran Councils;  Latin, Ecclesiastical;  Latin American Literature (Spanish), Christianity in; Latin American Theologies;  Latino/a Theologies;  Latvia; Lausanne Movement; Laity and Lay Piety Movement; Laying on of Hands; Lee, Ann; Leta;  Leme Cintra, Sebastião; Levinas, Emmanuel; Leviticus; Lewis, C. S.; Liberal Theology; LIBERATION THEOLOGIES CLUSTER:  Liberation theologies in Asia; Liberation Theologies in the Caribbean Islands; Liberation Theologies in the South Pacific islands;  Liberation Theology, Native American; Liberation Theology, Womanist || Life and Work Movement; Life of Adam and Eve; Liguori, Alphonsus; Lima, Alceu Amoroso; Lithuania; Liturgical Movement; Liturgical Year; Livingstone, David; Llull, Ramon; Locke, John; Loisy, Alfred; Lollardy; Lossky, Vladimir; Louis I The Pious;  Lourde; Love; Luis e Granada; Luke;  LUTHERANISM CLUSTER.:  Luther, Martin;  Lutheran Churches and their Theology;  Lutheran World Federation; Lutheran Worship; Luxembourg


LABADISTS.  J. Steven O'Malley


T.J. Saxby, The Quest for the New Jerusalem: Jean de Labadie and the Labadists, 1610-1744 (1987).




Elizabeth DePalma Digeser, The Making of a Christian Empire: Lactantius & Rome (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2000).


R.M. Ogilvie, The Library of Lactantius (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1978).


Lactance et son temps. Recherches actuelles, édités par J. Fontaine et M. Perrin (Paris: Éditions Beauchesne, 1976).


Lactantius, De mortibus persecutorum, edited and translated by J.L. Creed (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994).


Lactantius, Divine Institutes, translated by Mary Francis McDonald (Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 1964).