- H- Bibliographies


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Listed Below: Habakkuk; Hadewijch;Hagar; Haggadah; Haggai; Halakah;  Hartshorne, Charles; Haynes, Lemuel;  |||||| HEALING, SPIRITUAL CLUSTER. Healing, Spiritual, and Christianity in Latin America;  Healing, Spiritual, and Christianity in Western Europe; Healing, Spiritual, and North American and European Pentecostal/Charismatic Movements;  HEALTH AND HEALING CLUSTER;  Health and Healing; Health,  Healing, and Christianity in the African American Context; Health, Healing, and Christianity: Feminist Perspectives; Health,  Healing, and Christianity in the Western World;  Health,  Healing, and Eastern Orthodoxy; Health and Healing: Traditional African Practices and Christianity; Health and Healing and Christianity in Africa Dealing With Aids.  |||||||Hebrews, Gospel according to the; Hebrews, Letter to the; Hecker, Isaac;  Hegesippus (Pseudo-); Heliand; Hell;  Hermas, Shepherd of;  Hermeneutics; Hermetic Writings; Herod Family; Herodians; Herodias; Heterosexuality; Hicks, Elias;  Hierotopy, The Creation of Christian sacred Space; Hildegard of Bingen; Hinduism and Christianity;  Hinduism and Christianity:  Interreligious Dialogue; Hindu Scriptures and the Bible;  Hippolytus; Historiography of Early Christianity in 19th and 20th Centuries;  History, Concepts of; History, Theological Concepts; History of Religion School; HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY CLUSTER.  History of Christianity in Africa; History of Christianity in North Africa; History of Christianity in Asia; History of Christianity in Eastern Europe; History of Christianity in the South Pacific and Australia ||| Holiness Movement; Holy Fool; ||||  Holy Spirit in Africa; Holy Spirit in Asia; Holy Spirit in the Caribbean Islands; Holy Spirit in Latin America; Holy Spirit in North America; Holy Spirit in the South Pacific; Holy Spirit in Western Europe;  ||||| Homosexuality; Honduras; Honor and Shame; Hooker, Richard; Hope; Hospitallers;  Hospitals and Healing Programs as Christian Ministry;  House Churches;  Household Codes;  Hubmaier, Balthasar; Huguenots and their theology; HUMAN RIGHTS CLUSTER:  Human Rights; Human Rights in Latin America; in  Brazil; Humanism and Renaissance;  Hutchinson, Anne Marbury; Hutterites; Huxley, T. H.


HABAKKUK,   Paul L. Redditt


Andersen, Francis I. Habakkuk. AB 25. New York, London, Toronto, Sydney, Auckland:

Doubleday, 2001.


Floyd, Michael. Minor Prophets. Part 2. FOTL 22. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2000.


O’Brien, Julia M. Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi. AOTC.

Nashville: Abingdon, 2005.


Roberts, J. J. M. Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah. OTL. Louisville: Westminster

            John/Knox, 1991.


Smith, Ralph L. Micah-Malachi. WBC 32. Waco, TX: Word, 1984.


Sweeney, Marvin A. The Twelve Prophets. Vol. 2. Berit Olam. Collegeville: Liturgical

            Press, 2000.


Szeles, Maria Eszenyei. Wrath and Mercy: A Commentary on the Books of Habakkuk and

Zephaniah. ITC. Edinburgh: Handsel; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1987.


HADEWIJCH  Saskia Murk Jansen 

Hadewijch: The Complete Works, tr. Mother Columba Hart, Classics of Western Spirituality (SPCK, London, 1980)


McGinn, Bernard, The Flowering of Mysticism: Men and Women in the New Mysticism – 1200-1350, vol. 3 of The Presence of God: A History of Western Christian Mysticism (Crossroads, New York, 1998)


------, ed., Eckhart and the Beguine Mystics (Continuum, New York, 1995)


Murk-Jansen, Saskia, ‘The Use of Gender and Gender-Related Imagery in Hadewijch’, in Gender and Text in the Later Middle Ages, edited by Jane Chance (University Press of Florida, Gainesville, 1996) 52-68


------, Brides in the Desert : The Spirituality of the Beguines  (Darton Longman and Todd, London, 1998)


Newman, Barbara, From Virile Woman to WomanChrist; Studies in Medieval Religion and Literature (University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 1995)


In Press            ‘Hadewijch and Hadewijch II’ in The Yale Guide to Medieval Holy Women, edited by Alastair Minnis and Rosalynn Voaden



HAGAR   Phyllis Trible

Frymer-Kensky, Tikva. Reading the Women of the Bible (New York: Schocken Books, 2002), pp. 225-237.

Sakenfeld, Katharine Doob. Just Wives? Stories of Power and Survival in the Old Testament and Today (Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2003), pp. 7-25.

Trible, Phyllis, and Russell, Letty M., eds. Hagar, Sarah, and Their Children: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Perspectives (Louisville, KY.: Westminster John Knox Press, 2006).

Williams, Delores S. Sisters in the Wilderness: The Challenge of Womanist God-Talk (Maryknoll, NY.: Orbis Books, 1993).



Joseph Bonsirven, Exégèse Rabbinique et Exégèse Paulinienne.  Paris:  Beauschene, 1939.

David Daube, The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism.  London:  Atholne, 1956.

J. Z. Lauterbach.  Rabbinic Essays. Cincinnati:  Hebrew Union College Press, 1951.

J. Mann, The Bible as Read and Preached in the Old Synagogue.  Vol. 1 & 2.  Cincinnati:  Hebrew Union College Press, 1961.

Daniel Patte.  Early Jewish Hermeneutic in Palestine. Missoula:  SBL & Scholars Press, 1975.

Krister Stendahl.  The School of St. Matthew and its Use of the Old Testament. Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1968.

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HAGGAI.  Beth Glazier-Mcdonald


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Hermann Strack.  Introduction to the Talmud and Midrash. Paperback ed. New York:  Harper and Row, 1965



Charles Hartshorne, Man’s Vision of God: and the Logic of Theism.  New York: Harper & Brothers, 1941.

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HAYNES, LEMUEL  John Saillant

Cooley, Timothy Mather


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HEALTH AND HEALING.  Margaret A. Farley


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