Vanderbilt University
Department of  Religious Studies, College of Arts and Science

RLST 213 - DIV/REL 3174 Ethics in the New Testament

RequirementsAssignments/Reports | Books |  Schedule | Presentations Procedures

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Ethics in the New Testament!
Monday 3:10-5:30pm

Class location: 301-F Garland Hall

Instructor: Daniel Patte (Garland Hall, 301G)

Office Hours: M 2:10-3:00pm & by appointment
Offie Phone: 322-4884; 322-6359
Home Phone: 269-0954;

Febbie Dickerson, Office: GA 301E:

Office Hours: Tuesday 11:10-12:00am & by appointment

Course Description: Ethics of the New Testament

Major ethical teachings as presented in New Testament documents, letters, and as interpreted through history and cultures.

As we study the ethical teaching of (a) the Sermon on the Mount and the Gospel of Matthew (and "discipleship") and (b) Paul (especially in 1 Corinthians)-and focus on ethical issues ranging from sexuality, economics, war and politics, oppression, and other topics of your choice-this seminar - We will also struggle with the "ethics of interpretation" as we learn to assume responsibility for our choice of interpretation (a) by bringing to critical understanding our own interpretations, and (b) by reading critically the diversity of interpretations of these texts encountered today and through history, in scholarship and among people around us in various cultural and religious contexts in the world. Active participation in discussion, seminar presentations, developing a paper over the second part of the semester.

SPECIFIC FOCUS: The Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5--7; Paul's letters, especially 1 Corinthians (although other New Testament texts will be discussed).

PEDAGOGICAL GOALS of this Seminar: Learning (a) how to bring to critical understanding our own interpretations of moral teachings of selected New Testament texts (Fides Quaerens Intellectum), (b) how to read critically the diversity of interpretations of these texts encountered today and through history; and (c) how to engage contemporary ethical issues with the help of the Bible.

 Garland 301A, Box 1585 Station B, Nashville, TN 37235 : Tel (615) 322-4884 : send comments and suggestions to webmaster

*animated gif from, photo from VU photo library