Divinity School / Religious Studies Department
Course: RLST 209 and DIV/REL 2511: The New Testament / Spring 2004Schedule | Requirements | Books | Faculty | Lecture Notes | Assignments | Vumail | Acorn
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Instructors Office Office Hour Tel. Daniel Patte Garland 301G Office Hours: W 1:30-3:00 pm & by appointments Office:322-6359
Home:269-0954Daniel.M.Patte@vanderbilt.edu Yung Suk Kim Garland 301E M 12:10-1:00 & by appointments Office:322-6356 Yung.S.Kim@vanderbilt.edu Bobby Morris Garland 301E TBA Bobby.m.Morris@vanderbilt.edu Rubén Muñoz Garland 301E F 10:00-11:00 & by appointments Office:322-6356 Ruben.a.Munoz@vanderbilt.edu Rohun Park Garland 301E TBA Rohun.Park@vanderbilt.edu Kimberly Peeler Garland 301E R 11:00-12:00 & by appointments Office:322-6356 Kimberly.r.Peeler@vanderbilt.edu
LECTURES: MW 11:10-12:00 pm DV-G 23
DISCUSSION GROUPS: RLST 209.01, F 11:10-12 FM 330 / DIV 2511.02, R 10-10:50/ DV-G26/ DIV 2511.03, R 10-10:50 DV-G28 /
DIV 2511.05, F 11:10-12 DV-G26/ DIV 2511.06, F 11:10-12 DV-G28Goals:
The goals of this introduction to the New Testament include helping members of the class to gain a solid knowledge of
1) the basic content of each of the 27 books of the New Testament (through a close study of The New Interpreter’s Study Bible) and their major themes;
2) the historical setting of the NT and the aspects of these 27 books that are illuminated by reading them as part of this historical context (following the Introduction to the New Testament by Gerd Theissen) and in terms of other religious texts of the period (including the Gospel of Thomas; Dead Sea Scrolls; jewish Apocalyptic texts)
3) the positive or problematic teachings that these books have from a feminist perspective (following the comments on each book in A Women’s Bible Commentary);
4) the positive or problematic teachings that these books have regarding the relation between church and world as viewed from the perspectives of Christian believers in various contexts around the world (following the comments on each book in A Global Bible Commentary).
Even as students gain a solid understanding of these texts in their historical settings and of their potential teachings in particular contexts, they will learn to adopt a critical stance toward any interpretation, including their own, by recognizing some of the textual, theological, and contextual choices that each interpretation involves.Structure of each week: The central part of each week will be the discussion group sessions, each time led by students (not by TA’s, though they will be present). It will involve the comparison of 4 interpretations a given book of the NT in order to assess the relative values of these interpretations. In preparation for these discussions, the lectures on Monday and Wednesday will clarify the differences among the interpretation of this book in the New Interpreter's Study Bible, in the Introduction to the New Testament by Gerd Theissen (and through comparison of texts of the period), in the Women's Bible Commentary, and in the Global Bible Commentary. In each discussion group, four students will open the discussion; each presenting in 5 minutes (with a short handout) the most valuable contributions of one of the four interpretations.
Optional sessions: Video materials for the study of NT: M 10—11 DV-G 23 (see schedule)
Final Update: April 21, 2004
Webmaster: Yung Suk Kim