Keith Clayton

Professor of Psychology, Emeritus
Department of Psychology
322 Wilson Hall,
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN, 37240

telephone: (615) 322-2874 fax: (615) 343-8449
To reach me by e-mail.

Research Interests:

The application of nonlinear dynamic models to psychological phenomenon in general, human memory in particular.

I am interested in inter- and intra-trial dynamics in simple memory and choice tasks.

Last Papers

Frey, B. A. & Clayton, K. (July, 1997). Nonlinear Dynamics in Simple Judgments. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology & Life Sciences, Milwaukee, WI.
Frey, B. A. & Clayton, K. (August, 1997). Nonlinear Dynamics and the Sequence Effect. Poster presented at the annual convention of Cognitive Science, Stanford, CA.
Frey, B. A. & Clayton, K. (August, 1998). Using Ensembles of Short Time Series to Study the Nonlinear Dynamics of Behavioral Data. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology & Life Sciences, Boston, MA.
Frey, B. A. & Clayton, K. (August, 1998). The Application of Nonlinear Dynamical Time Series Measurements to Response Time Data. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Society for Mathematical Psychology, Nashville, TN.
Clayton, K. & Frey, B. (1997). Studies of Mental 'Noise'.Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology and Life Sciences, 1, 173-180.
Clayton, K. & Frey, B. (1996).Inter- and intra-trial dynamics in memory and choice. In W. Sulis & A. Combs (Eds.) Nonlinear Dynamics in Human Behavior. Singapore: World Scientific.
Clayton, K. & Frey, B. (June, 1996). Fractal Memory for Visual Form. Paper presented to the annual convention of the Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology and Life Sciences. Berkeley, CA.
Frey, B. & Clayton, K. (June, 1996). Examining Sequence Effects using Nonlinear Dynamics. Paper presented to the annual convention of the Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology and Life Sciences. Berkeley, CA. For updated figures.
Clayton, K. & Frey, B. (May, 1995). A Nonlinear Dynamics Approach to Studying Short-Term Memory. Paper presented to the annual convention of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Gilden, D. L., Schmuckler, M. A., & Clayton, K. (1993) The perception of natural contour Psychological Review, 100, 460-478.


I taught two classes in the Spring, 1997:

  • Psychology 222: Learning and Memory
  • Honors 183: Chaos: The Making of a New Science
  • I taught one class in the Fall, 1997:

    I taught one class in the Spring, 1998:

  • Psychology 222: Learning and Memory
  • I retired from teaching at the end of the spring semester, 1998.

    Revised 25 Aug. 2007