Cixous views deconstruction as a method through which she can relay her central message regarding the inadequacy of a phallocentric discourse. She proposes that due to the male-based existing discourse, she is unable to directly express her thoughts and feelings. Cixous attempts to expose the inadequacy of the current discourse, thereby diminishing and discrediting the discourse's strength and credibility, by using continuous contradictions and a circuitous style of writing.

While Cixous celebrates a deconstructive reading of "The Laugh of the Medusa," deconstruction could also be seen as a method which devalues Cixous' own essay. In her attempt to expose the inadequacies of the existing phallocentric discourse, Cixous writes in a circuitous fashion to illustrate the idea that women are unable to accurately express themselves through words alone. However, a deconstructive reading of "The Laugh of the Medusa" could interpret Cixous use of contradictions and indirect rhetoric as elements which result in the breakdown of Cixous essay, rather than the discourse, thereby diminishing its strength and credibility.

Introduction to the Myths
Why the Myths Were Created
How to Uncover and Conquer the Myths
The Myths and Their Faults
Derrida's Theory of Deconstruction
Applied to Cixous
Obstacles Faced in Conquering the Myths
How the Medusa Became a Monster
and the Woman Became Inadequate
A Critique of Cixous' Use
of Deconstruction
Cixous' Proposed Results and
My Proposed Results

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